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Regaining Life, in the land of the Dead... in Egypt

Writer's picture: Issrae Ouassima TouahriaIssrae Ouassima Touahria

This is my first blog of the year.

I have been so busy with my trips and the books I need to share with the world that I've consciously chosen to focus and make this a priority.

In the same way, I feel the choice shifting towards embracing the outer world now. We must adapt to the energies that inhabit us.

As I finish my manuscripts and books, I notice my attention turning toward the external world, allowing me to share the wisdom I have been gathering and connecting with you.

I just returned from a trip to Egypt, the land of the dead, and I must admit that this is where, this time, I learned how to walk among the dead while being alive.

If you look around, you’ll find many people walking as if they are dead. They lack passion and desire, or perhaps they have only instincts or what they believe are desires, but their essence, their soul, lingers over their bodies. They are not truly alive because they are not inhabited by the Divine within them. They do not allow themselves to be filled with life—FULL life. To achieve this, we must make a choice


We can revert choices. We can continually decide where to focus our attention, how to allow our soul and essence to connect with our body, to ground ourselves on this earth and infuse us with new values and principles to live by. The arrival of our soul in our body will incite significant changes: changes in the food we eat, our behavior, how we perceive ourselves, and how we view the world, but also a shift in our purpose for being here. We come to understand that life is not solely about work, family, or relationships. There exists something deeper: experiencing life in its many colorful states could be one of our goals, transmitting messages or reminding others of key principles, caring for children or animals could also serve as goals; but only our essence can reveal what She wants to do, how she wants to manifest herself, and when to act.

Where is life?

Much struggle arises from the realization that there is a significant gap between who you truly are and who you believe you are, between the spiritual and the material. However, you can bridge these two aspects and bring them into Union. 

We cannot continue to live without life. We must fill our lives with vitality. Our relationships should be infused with life. Our connections to one another, the books we read, and the products or services we provide must all be filled with energy. 

You may understand this when someone touches you, yet you feel nothing because there is no life; the same goes for food and everything else. Where is life present in your life? Where is your energy? Have we become accustomed to letting our energy slip away without replenishing it? This implies that energy might be leaking somehow, somewhere; it could stem from business pressures or past wounds, or it could be due to a focus solely on negativity. Many factors can cause your energy to leak, leading to disease and death in the long run. 

We can close those doors: negative relationships, toxic situations, or environments. To do so, we need courage, faith, and hope.


Hope is a big lesson for me.

From my trip to Egypt, I realized that I was holding onto an empty hope. I love working! I find a lot of hope in my clients, students, and books. But where is hope for humanity? For the Earth? For myself? I recognized the gap between one side: the miracles I witness and the prophecies I receive from the ancient queens, and the other side, my small self, afraid of tomorrow, of change, and the economic and political situation. I understood that if I don't allow the hope of my soul, my essence, to descend into my body, I will always have two faces—a face filled with great hope and a face filled with despair. These two coexist within me and within everyone, but we can bridge the distance between them.


We cannot change everything. I might see what I’m contributing, and many of you are ushering in a new era. How will it manifest? I have no idea. I just need to bring it forth through my words, my work, my books. Will I witness it manifesting? I don't know. I believe it's already taking shape in me and in each one of us, so I trust in what I’m bringing, knowing that everything will happen according to a divine order that is greater than my limited will. This connects me to faith—faith as a vibration; it's not just in the mind. It's something we feel within us, as if we’re activating that energy. It feels warm and radiates warmth to all our spheres. I have faith. I have faith. I have faith.


Hope comes with faith. They are a couple, we cannot have hope if we don't have faith.

And with this, I pray. I pray because prayer is also vibration, a command. I pray that we connect to hope and regain faith.


We connect to faith as a vibration to be able to continue our journey and carry this joyful glance to the future to other people, beings that are around us and next generations.


I choose hope, even after witnessing the horrors that humans have committed throughout history and in my life. I choose to see beauty everywhere. I choose to recognize the beauty in people when they exchange gifts, when they support one another, and when they show unconditional love. Giving is a beautiful principle that we can live by—giving a smile, a helping hand, a hug, money, clothes, and more.


Giving brings us hope, because when we do, we also have faith that tomorrow we will receive. By giving, we make space to receive as well. It is the flow of energy.


This is what hope does: it keeps energy moving without stagnation; we look forward to something beautiful that we haven't yet seen


I was watching a drama, an Egyptian one. I love watching Egyptian dramas because they help me practice my Egyptian and connect with different cultures. At the end of the last episode, the actress shared: “Why do we think that we have seen all there is to see? It would be nice to imagine the most beautiful day of my life, which I haven't lived yet. The most beautiful love I could experience, I haven't lived that yet. The most amazing friendship and so on, I haven’t experienced them yet.” What a beautiful message of hope: something beautiful can still happen, something marvelous. I haven't tasted all the types of food this life has to offer, and I haven't seen the most beautiful paintings, flowers, and trees. Yet, I haven’t seen the most charming kids, butterflies, turtles, or fragrant scents. I haven't visited the most remote and marvelous places in this world yet.



Surrendering, while maintaining hope, is quite an intriguing formula as well: surrendering to the idea that maybe I won't see all of this, but I still open the door, hoping that one day I could.

I often think about those who have lost their physical abilities; this speaks to me personally. Those who have lost a foot, a hand, or other capacities see life from a different perspective… what courage they possess. I truly admire them.

We need to dive deep during these times, into our essence, to remember there is always something beautiful out there, something inherently beautiful in humans and animals everywhere. We don't have to focus on destruction; we can focus on construction.

I have a strong desire to bring light and love through these emails, courses, or books. This desire comes from deep within me, a yearning to serve the light, to be light, and to bring remembrance. One reason I struggle with marketing is that I feel my goal is to share something, but it's not to convince people to buy or read it. It's up to people to choose to see it or not. Deep in my heart, I know that those who need to read this or find me will come.

I hold hope that we can connect on deeper levels and remind each other of light, love, peace, forgiveness, passion, Truth, and solidity. We can remember that we are Cosmic beings, invited here on Earth to live in sacredness. I want to remember sacredness, and I want to remind you of


It is through personal connections that we can share our hopes. Change is possible because I see it. I witness it when I meet people. And so again, I pray for hope—for you, for me, for this world—for a better world, perhaps one that recalls the sacredness of True Connection.


We're here to weave together the missing pieces because this world is in a state of separation. Let’s weave ourselves within, and then intertwine our connections with everything that exists, because we are all Oneness.





If you want to travel with me, send me an email here:

With love,



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