Rencontre Ouassima Issrae
Ouassima Issrae is an author and creator of CoreMagik and Ouassimagik Academy, she offers shamanic and energy treatments and gives multiple training courses and online programs. He is inspired by nature, magic and the stars.
Through her books, consultations, and in-depth courses, she helps people who doubt themselves, are confused about spirituality and how to live it in physical reality, those who feel misaligned and vulnerable - in today's world - to negative energies and influences, which cause them to put their dreams aside and "to shut down".
As a Truth-Keeper, Cosmic Ambassador, Keeper of the Records, Priestess of the Temple of Roses, she takes her clients, students and readers on a mystical journey in order to bring healing and knowledge that can be helpful for them- themselves and for the future generations.
Ouassima Issrae was also a chess champion and is a holder of a master's degree in management and technology, studied journalism and project management, naturopathy, shamanism and plant medicine. She is also a dancer, artist, interested in the mysteries of Egypt, archetypes and the use of imagery and therapeutic art including the Tarot.
The multiplicity of my being:
Ouassima Issrae daughter, sister, eternal student, Master in Business Administration, entrepreneur, modern therapist, Shamanist, naturopath in the making, pro coach, author and editor, Guardian of the Temple of Truth, Priestess and guardian of the Temp le des Roses, Being a Star, Cosmic and Medium Ambassador, Grand Mère Plume Blanche ...
Through the words, sound and magic, I guide you through trips to help you find answers and practical support.
I recall your Cosmic and eternal origin, source of Life and Force to face earthly difficulties.
I help you connect with and celebrate your soul's exhilaration and joy through your body, work, and relationships.
By vibrating the Essence that you are:
You will become what you always dreamed of being
You will share your gifts
You will build a new reality
You will find your soul family ...
Open your heart, and awaken your golden crown ... Take the highest path ... Be true to your Essence and Your mandates ... Be Righteous, and find the strength of the sun that dwells within you ...
Follow the alchemy of Life and its seasons, connect to the flow of each season and pick what it brings to you ...
Radios and press releases
Also appears on among others interviews
Other broadcasts on Radio club:
+ Meditation as a connection practice
+ The spiritual pilgrimage in Egypt
A few elders and mentors, honored to have learned from them
Maggie de Combe is a certified polarity practitioner, craniosacral practitioner, healing path practitioner and therapeutic touch practitioner.​
Chris de Combe, is a graduate consultant in natural health specializing in energy techniques from the Institut des consultants en santé naturelle de Montréal.
Nicole Cloutier, Access Bars, Hypnose, Régression, Fleurs de Bach, Coach de Vie. Auteur de Fleurs De Bach ; Je Suis Alchimie.
Some Books published by Ouassima Issrae